SB 282/322 Voyage d'étude aux Etats-Unis mars/avril 1975 , 1971.01.01-1976.03.01 (Sous-dossier)

Contexte de plan d'archivage

Zone d'identification

Cote:SB 282/322
Titre:Voyage d'étude aux Etats-Unis mars/avril 1975
Dates:1er janvier 1971 - 1er mars 1976
Période de création:01/01/1971 - 01/03/1976
Importance matérielle:5 enveloppes, 2 livres

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Contenu:- Comptes rendus de ce voyage d'étude;
- Notes manuscrites;
- Supports de visite et documentation.

Ce dossier contient aussi des brochures et ouvrages ayant un lien avec le système pénitentiaire américain:
- "San Quentin News", Vol. XLV, n° 12, 28.03.1975;
- "The Liberty Belle", mars 1975;
- "Corrections Magazine"; Vol. 1; n° 3, janvier/février 1975;
- Bureau fédéral des investigations, "The story of the Federal Bureau of Investigation", U.S. Government printing office, 1974;
- Bureau américain des prisons, "Female Offenders in the federal correctional system", 1977;
- Arizona Corrections Project, "Newsletter", Vol. 1, n° 1, octobre 1974;
- Département pénitentiaire de l'Etat de l'Arizona, "Arizona correctional statistics 1974", 1974;
- The National Council of Crime and Delinqunecy, "The Des Moines community corrections project, an alternative to jailing", 1974;
- The National Council of Crime and Delinqunecy, "A halt to institutional construction in favor of community treatment", New Jersey: The National Council of Crime and Delinqunecy, 1974;
- Evensen, Arne, "Social defence in Norway", Oslo: Ministry of social affairs, 1973, 110 p.;
- Doleschal, Eugène et Klapmuts, Nora, "Toward a new criminology", New Jersey: The National Council of Crime and Delinqunecy, 1973;
- The National Council of Crime and Delinqunecy, "The nondangerous offender should not be imprisoned, a policy statement", in "Crime and Delinquency", vol. 19, n° 4, octobre 1973;
- "California Department of Correction", Sacramento: California office of State Printing, 1973;
- Phoenix House Foundation, "Phoenix house five year report", New-York, 30.11.1972;
- Federal Prison Industries, "Education and vocational training: annual report 1972", 1972;
- Département américain de la justice, "Bureau of prisons: annual report 1972", 1972;
- Chamber of commerce of the United States, "Marshaling citizen power to modernize corrections", 1972;
- New York Drug Abuse Control Commission, "Parents and drugs", Albany, 1971;
- Virginia Division of Justice and Crime Prevention, "We hold these truths", Richmond, 1971;
- Département américain de la justice, "A look at the federal prison system", s.d.;
- California's Correctionnal Industries Commission, "Preparing men for industry", s.d.;
- California Departement of Corrections, "Family visiting", Sacramento: California office of State Printing, s.d.;
- California Departement of Corrections, "Career opportunity: Correctional officer", s.d.;
- National Institute of Corrections,"Identifying, affecting & managing correctional change", s.d.;
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, "The federal prison system is working", s.d.;
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, "A philosophy of staff training", s.d.;
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, "Community treatment center", s.d.;
- "How to protect your house or appartment. Safeguard your home", s.d.;
- New York State Department of Correctional Services, "Guidelines to volunteer services", New York, s.d.

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Règles d'accès:Délai de protection spécial (art. 12 al. 2 LArch).
Langue:Allemand; Anglais; Français

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